Senin, 05 September 2011

Know Airline Cabin Safety For Safe Travels

Knowing about cabin safety when you travel can make your traveling experience more comfortable. When you are aware of your surroundings and what you should or should not do in the event of an emergency, you’ll be able to enjoy your travel experience more, but you’ll also be able to respond appropriately if need be. Cabin safety requires that everyone on the aircraft is aware of themselves, where they are located in the aircraft, as well as listening to the flight attendants when they give their speech and demonstration at the beginning of the flight.

Some cabin safety measures are things as simple as stowing your carry on luggage safely, in a fashion where it’s not likely to harm another person. Keeping your seatbelt fastened, taking turns getting up to use the bathroom facilities, knowing the location of a fire extinguisher, knowing where a first aide kit is, and only throwing garbage in their proper places that will make an aircraft cabin a much safer place to be. There are also more serious elements of cabin safety that one must consider even though flying is a very safe means of travel. You never know when you will be in a plane crash, a plane fire, or other airline emergency.
When you board the aircraft you’ll want to locate your assigned seat right away, stow your items safely, and then sit down. You’ll be required to put your seatbelt on before takeoff and it’s advisable to leave it on for the remainder of the flight, even when the pilot turns off the seatbelt indicator. Once you’ve found your seat, you should read the data card in the pocket in front of you. Many people believe that these data cards are nothing more than a formality, but you never know when you’ll be on a flight that will require this formal information. Even if you have looked at these safety data cards a million times before, it’s always a good idea to take a brief look to refresh what you might already know fairly well. Studies have actually shown that you are three times more likely to be injured in a plane crash or emergency if you have not read the data card, proof that the information is relevant to you and all other travelers.
Once you’ve read the data card you should take a mental note of where the emergency exits are. If you know about how many rows away the emergency exits are, this will be very helpful if you are involved in a fire on board the plane and the aircraft is filled with smoke. Whether you are in the air, in water, or on the ground you’ll likely be exited out of these emergency exits so knowing where they are and how you’ll get there is a big part of cabin safety.
Wearing the right clothes when you get on a plane can mean the difference between exiting the aircraft safely and exiting with burns and other injuries in the case of a fire or other emergency. Typically, natural fibers such as cotton, wool, denim, and leather are the best types of clothing to wear on an aircraft. Studies have shown that synthetic fibers can become quite hot due to friction which causes them to melt and results in serious and even fatal wounds. So, stick with clothing that is made from natural fibers and is comfortable. Long pants and long sleeves are the best option as they’ll provide you the most protection in the case of an emergency, shorts, and skirts are not as protective.
Comfortable shoes are always good, preferably styles that will lace up and stay on your feet. Leather shoes are preferable because they are unlikely to catch on fire and will be more likely to help you navigate through the plane to the emergency exit and down an emergency slide or ramp. Sandals should be avoided, as they are more likely to get lost, melt, or cause you to slip and fall resulting in injury.
The likelihood that you’ll need this information is very rare, but if more people took care to learn about cabin safety beyond safely storing their carry on luggage, more people may survive emergencies on board aircrafts. Knowing this information will help you plan for comfortable travels, and in the event that you do need to act, you’ll be prepared to walk away from the emergency with the confidence that you did everything you could to avoid injury. Having cabin safety information can actually save your life, it’s that important.

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